Why do I feel like such a heel after calling out my son?
Of course to ask the question is good, for it shows that I
recognize a problem. Usually when this
happens, it’s due to a lack of sleep. I do
feel emotionally lousy. It could also be
living in the north. We have to take
vitamin a D3 supplement or we’ll be deficient (and such deficiencies do
precipitate depression).

Of course, also, it goes without saying, when calling out
anyone, as we reflect upon the incident, we see our own sinful heart and
attitudes, and perhaps the fact that we aren't as perfect as we’d hope we were,
indeed as we expected of our son, causes us a grief that is perhaps out of
I long for the day when we will sin no more - and when sin no
longer will stain our various relationships.
But we live in the here & now, and right now sinful men and women
must contend together in a cursed world.
Such a
dark scenario. Is there no way out?
I say that there is - as we look to the Lord Jesus Christ. Here we have a man, but also God, who loved
us so much he willingly laid down his life for us. Not as an example - but as a substitute for the
very sinners who hated him - indeed he did this WHILE they hated him (See Rom.
I need to remember this kind of love when I call out my son
or daughter. This means I really do call
them out, but that as I do so, a compassion for them shows - so that they see
the same love Christ had for me, is what drives me to call them out.
A while ago while in another ‘calling out’ session, my son called
me out, “Why are you so hard on me?” and it was a good question. At that time I had a ready answer - Because I
really love him. It is my love that
drives me to care for his practices and habits - that he will not be captured
by them.
I think I know why I feel like such a heel right now…Perhaps
I didn’t show enough love. I’ll be
making that correction, as soon as I am able.