Wednesday, December 25, 2013

In the Spirit or in the Flesh?

Read Matthew 18

This whole chapter is reminiscent of the sermon on the mount, and is another challenge to my heart. Consider the television... Is there any good thing there, or should we get rid of it altogether.  And even so - I live in a such a culture that to effectively escape such a time waster as television, I must get rid of the computer and the internet service altogether.

In the end it comes down to this: A personal discipline not to waste time on frivolous matters.  And a personal discipline for a time may be done in the flesh.  But is ought not to be so.  It must ultimately be a work of the Spirit.

In the flesh, for a time - until weakness strikes and I fail, I can stand the test.  But even so, am I standing?  In the flesh I do not obey the commands of the Word, fearing that I dare not let my guard down.  In the flesh, I become a legalist.

It is only in the Spirit victory can be attained.  And in the Spirit I must be humble.  I will be humbled by the Lord in my most obvious weakness.  I will be humbled by the world, those of whom cannot grasp my real motivation and will tag me as a legalist - because that's what it appears to the eye of flesh.

     Give me Spirit led discipline to deny myself when I am becoming too worldly, and a humble heart to do so - when the world mocks me, and a tender ear to listen and obey the Spirits call - regardless of how it looks to this world.  Make me a Godly man, Lord.  Amen

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Harold Camping dead at 92

Yesterday evening I read that he had succumbed, and perusing some of the comments made concerning this made me sad.  Indeed - I am quite frequently stunned at my own reaction to someone's death.  Ever sense I lost Mom and my brother Scott I guess I feel death more sharply.  And don't think for a minute that I am or ever was a follower of Mr. Camping.   But the comments I read were not warranted.  Though Mr. Camping's repentance of his predictive ways was less bold and sharp than I would have desired, he did repent. 

And what comes to my mind was that there are 2 possibilities for him.  Two possibilities which lead to only one response, humble sadness.  And that is distinctly NOT the response I was seeing in those comments.  Possibility one is that he was not truly repentant and that he, having led many down the path of deceit and disillusionment now is facing God's wrath - in which case we as believers ought not celebrate.  Or secondarily his repentance may have been as genuine and humble as a believer can have - in which case a response would certainly not be the snide comments I read yesterday. 

Should we be offended at a supposed believer making terribly false/wrong claims and shaming the name of Christ?  YES!  A thousand times over!  Yet if his repentance was true - and we cannot know except by evidence that he stopped his predictive ways - then I believe we ought as believers to have a more subtle muted response to his passing.  There but for the grace of God go I. 

The following is a Facebook note written May 23rd, 2011 - immediately after the last failed 'prophecy' of Mr. Camping.  (LINK:
Harold Camping IS a prophet.  But not just any prophet... He's a false prophet.  People who knew of the failed 1994 prediction knew - and no one should have been deceived. But many were, sadly.  And many more will now be jaded, and become mockers, scoffing. Sadly, though the Scripture warns us about false prophets and many anti-christ’s in the last days, this incident will simply bolster the opinion of many who do not agree with Its' beliefs.

Anyone can be misled, and we should not treat those who were Camping followers with contempt or pity.  But as for Mr. Camping himself, he ought to repent of this, publically and boldly, since he boldly and very publically proclaimed these things.

I mentioned in the subject of this note, that Mr. Camping is a Prophet... a false prophet.  One interesting irony is that he IS helping to fulfill at least this prophetic statement, from 2nd Peter 3:1 - 4, "Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder), that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior, knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.”"  Just like Caiaphas the high priest who prophesied that one should die for the nation (speaking of Christ), though Caiaphas did not know the truth of the very thing he prophesied.  Nevertheless, Mr. Camping's failed prediction will fuel the scoffers' fire.

Truly the end days are upon us, but who would dare to manipulate the plain teaching of Scripture?  Matthew 24:36 says, "“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only."  The whole of Scripture tells us we should be preparing, yet not with a particular date in mind.  We are told of the seasons.  May we be wise and gain our wisdom from the Lord, and not our own schemes.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Angry without a cause?

Why am I so angry!?

what shall I do about it...
I am not justified in my wrath - but my peace does not return.
I myself am as guilty as the rest,
Nothing I can do can rectify it.

I am as hopeless as one can be.

Yet I believe.

I cannot comprehend that God would love a wretch so much as I.
I, who am perhaps more guilty than they, and yet try to justify myself...

I am afraid.
What if they know.

how can I defend myself?

I for whom Christ died?!  and how is He glorified in choosing a foul fool wretch like me anyhow? 
Why do I somehow think I should be privy to know?  Who am I but a dog...

There is no peace, my God says, for the wicked, and I know that by experience.

Oh Lord! help this foolish man!  Hold me together - make me yours.  Satisfy me with your lovingkindness.  For excepting your touch - I would destroy all whom I say I love. 

Hear my prayer Oh God!  Forgive me...